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Go (and do) From Good To Great

#goDo Weekly

What is the secret to go (and DO) from good to great?

What’s the start-up secret that Tony Robbins, Barbara Corcoran, Mark Cuban and other wildly successful entrepreneurs share?

This month has outlined various parts of the strategic planning process, and if you've missed any of this month's blog, you would be doing yourself and your business a great service by reading through all of my blogs for the month of March.

A well conceived, strictly followed roadmap for acceleration starts with smart strategic planning.

Stop, Listen, Live

One of the hardest things for an entrepreneur to do is slow down and think. I know, I get it, and believe me this is an arduous task for me to follow, as well. Trust me, it works.

Strategic planning is as important looking at a map before setting out on a cross country roadtrip. Think about how many hours and how much money goes into driving from one coast to the next. Imagine all of the stops along the way, as well as the opportunities for unplanned circumstances such as bad weather, traffic jams, deer crossing the road or the chance to stop and see "the world's largest frying pan".

The strategic planning process takes you through a step-by-step process of identifying the road ahead, and with each step you create more opportunity for accelerated success.

Although strategic planning can sound like a process followed by large corporations, and irrelevant to an entrepreneur or small business owner, it is essential to gaining an understanding of what your mission and vision hopes to accomplish.

5 Keys To Strategic Planning

  1. Critically assess your market and evaluate the competition

  2. Create your own competitive advantage

  3. Identify your strengths & weaknesses — use both to your advantage

  4. Think like your ideal customer

  5. Develop & achieve your business goals

With relevant, real-life examples to illustrate the process and specific strategies you can use, you can immediately begin to develop your strategic plan and see your business grow beyond your expectations!

The Entrepreneur Accelerator Series - March Edition

Want to learn how to craft your business strategic plan? I'll show you how to create yours over lunch on Wed, Mar 22 in NYC:


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