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The Juice of Journaling in Six Easy Steps

Magic happens every day -- and YOU are its creator.

Accelerating your success relies first on getting clear on what you want, then being realistic about where you are and where you want to be. The next step is recognizing the #goDo it’s going to take to get you there and committing yourself to it. The best way to do this is Journaling.

Every. Damn. Day. Do this and…viola!...achieving your goals will seem easier than ever before. Truth is One, Paths are Many There are as many approaches to journaling as there are break-up songs written by Taylor Swift. The key is finding the one that works for you. My inspiration comes from multiples sources, including but not limited to, Tony Robbins’ Rapid Planning Method, my business coaches and the practice of one my mentors – a very successful New York City business man – who was known for writing out his goals, broken down into no less than 10 different sections, in a journal THREE times a day.

Every. Damn. Day. I have no doubt that his practice greatly aided his success in life. But, let’s be real. Who’s got time for that? Give a Little to Get a Lot We all live busy lives, so taking just 10-15 minutes out of the day to do something like journaling can seem like a tall order. However, the 15 minutes you spend thinking about your goals, writing out your purpose and committing yourself to #GoDo the things that express your purpose, who you are and where you want to be…so worth it. That bit of time will come back in infinite dividends of success, happiness, and fulfillment. The Juice of Journaling: In Six Easy Segments

1. Write Your Purpose. Start your day with a reminder of your reason for existence. Heavy? Maybe. But why else are you here? 2. #goDo Your Prediction Write out your day like it has already happened. What do you want to achieve? Who do you want to return your call? Write it down. The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Peter Drucker, The Effective Executive 3. #goDo Your Goals Goals are important in getting what you want. Often, we have so many goals in life it can seem overwhelming. I simply pick 3 to follow at any given time. Once one is achieved, pull another one out of the reserves to begin pursuing. Write them down. Every Day. 4. #goDo Your Offense Define who you are. If you don’t do this, you leave yourself open to being defined by others. Know who you are. 5. #goDo Your Defense You know why you’re here, what you want, and who you are. Now, you can identify potential threats to you purpose, goals, and character to make sure you maintain integrity. For example: If a goal of yours is to save money, write down all of the possible ways you could be tempted to waste money that day. When those situations arise, you will be better able to avoid them. 6. #goDo Your To Do List Write down no more than 10 actions that you can accomplish in the day that directly impact your goals. If a to do comes up that doesn’t directly link to a goal – take a moment to evaluate its importance. Make some magic happen…#goDo! Interested in making sure you reach your #goDo potential in 2017? Join me for a 90-minute workshop, The Entrepreneur Accelerator Series (EAS) where I will:

  • walk you through a practical application of the juice of journaling (it's easier than you think!)

  • provide insight on the basics of goal setting

  • offer practical tips for fitting these practices into your busy life

  • answer YOUR specific questions on journaling and goal setting

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