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This might be one of the most important blogs I have written for you, my fellow entrepreneurs and business owners looking to #goDo more to accelerate your success. This blog is honest, it's raw, it's an exploration of vulnerability, and I'm sure it's something we can all relate to.

Here goes...


"Failure" is inevitable. There, I said it.

As an eternal optimist, these are tough words to swallow and even tougher to share. Depending on how you look at it (and failure may be the wrong word) breakdowns are necessary to change and growth.

Take a minute to think about the last breakdown that you experienced. Was it physical, emotional, or intellectual?

What happened?

What did you do in response?

What did you tell yourself as a result?

What happened next?


In the wise words of one of my mentors, "what's next is always better". What happens "next" is always my favorite part.

I am candid about breakdowns and how I, personally, have three predictable breakdowns (or rundowns) each year. I know when to expect them to the point where I can now schedule them into my annual calendar. I also recognize why they happen, so I go out of my way to create the environment -- physical, emotional, and intellectual -- for this to be ok.

Below is a journal entry I penned just days after an "entrepreneurial breakdown". I found it and thought it would be important to share with you. Remember, as entrepreneurs we are creators. Creation takes a ton of energy -- physical, emotional, and intellectual -- so give yourself the gift of always believing that your fiercest breakdown will allows turn into your next, celebrated breakthrough.

Enjoy + #goDo.

-- TG


Dec 12, 2010:

Today is a new week, a new opportunity to start fresh, to learn from past mistakes and to look forward to future possibilities. There is always a "what's next is always better." Today is the perfect day to stop comparing yourself to others, the perfect day to love yourself, wholeheartedly, and to accept your strengths. You are always stronger than you give yourself credit for, and remember live always gives you what you need, not what you want. Today is the perfect day to look for areas to improve, not in a quest for perfection, but in a commitment to progress -- even "falling down" is progress. It gives you the opportunity to see how far you've gone, how far you've already pushed yourself, and just how far you are willing to go to remain focused (with insatiable curiosity) on the road ahead.

In these moments of "breakdown", take the time to search for all of your "breakthroughs", and as hard as it can feel, be sure to find gratitude in every little thing. I said every little thing.

Last but not least -- I know that this is the absolute hardest time to do this during moments like these -- search high and low for your chance to give back to others. You must help others.

Helping others is not only your obligation, it's also your reward.

-- Talonya

See, that wasn't so bad. Now, #goDo...

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